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Dr. Constance Davenport
Christian Education Director
Tamara Franklin
Sunday School Superintendent
Ruth Parks
Assistant Sunday School Superintendent
Dr. Constance Davenport
Christian Education Director
Tamara Franklin
Sunday School Superintendent
Ruth Parks
Assistant Sunday School Superintendent
The City of Faith
Social Circle, GA
Bishop William Davenport, Senior Pastor
2025 Theme
"A Year of Superabundant Grace and Anointing" 2 Corinthians 10:3-6

Our Mission
Our mission focus is in three areas:
SOUL WINNING - To train all of the members of this church to be soul winners. Each member is encouraged to set a personal goal of winning souls to Christ.
DISCIPLESHIP - To disciple as many people as possible to go and disciple others. It has been proven that well-trained disciples are gifted in discipleship.
SPREADING THE WORD OF GOD - To use all available forms of communication to spread the Word of God. We will spread God's Word through:
Planting Churches
Supporting Missionaries
Books, Television, Radio, Internet, etc.
Our desire is to become a major force in spreading the Word of God around the world.
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